Dream Job

Dream Job with Young Living Essential Oils

1. The cost to begin was just $160!! No yearly fees. I used every drop of the oils I purchased regardless!

2. This income is something that is willed to our children. I cannot wait to watch them chase all the dreams and gifts that God has planted in their hearts.

3. I run a business that generates more than $120,000 dollars a year. The entire time I am with my children at home, caring for loved ones, at the coffee shop sipping lattes or in my bed. My office is anywhere + everywhere + my hours are as often or as little as I want.

4. I get to help others by sharing our family’s story and personal experience.

5. My work beyond covers our wellness needs.

6. I don’t have a boss. Therefore my days of rushing off to scratch by financially each week are no more. No more early morning alarms, no more scraping ice off frozen cold cars, no more summer afternoons baking in the hot oven of a bus, no more traditional schedules.

7. Every morning we wake up + decide how we want to spend our day. I can work if I want or take a day off without asking for anyone’s permission

8. I get to wake up every day + help friends + my work is HELPING them find freedom + abundance too.

9. My business partner is my Greek-god-of-a-husband + I like building businesses + cute babies with him.  We got married to spend our life together because we like each other. Not just on the weekends.

10. Because we make in one month what used to take an entire year, we get to give away thousands of dollars to people we are about or ministries we are passionate to see grow. We also can purchase good healthy food + I no longer have to fear if the debit card will be declined when I am at the grocery store. You can read more on this from our honeymoon story here

11. I get to watch my friends + their friends + their friends bodies transformed by the power of Gods creation in plants + nature.

12. I have made some of my closest friendships with these women + have found a new level of mentors hip + encouragement that I never knew before

13. I have found freedom in my soul that comes from walking in all the strengths + gifts + passions that God put in my heart when he created me. I have experienced more healing + growth than I have ever in my life

14. I get to see every single month that the mind + intention of our hearts is a powerful thing + we get to witness the miracle that anything is possible